He is Not a banker he is A Fraudster, he do Transfer his Victims Money to One Marvellous Ayodeji after he asked for their Date Of Birth and OTP(One Time Password) to Bridge in to Their Account, Physinews Media will Fetch in More Details about this Scammer Later and we won't Stop until he is Brought to Justice By The Efcc and other Bodies tackling Scammer, Fraudster like him, we will call out those bodies on Twitter everyday to continue Reporting him until he is Brought to Justice, Only what will makes us Stop this is for him to Return his Victims Money back to the account because he Transferred the Girl Part of School fees, What this Fraudster Don't know is that their phone number was related with their Biometric no where to escape only what will make us Delete this Post and Stop reporting on Twitter Everyday is for the Fraudster to return the Money and to his Victims Account and message Physinews Media using the contact form on the Blog, this Fraudster is Using the above number on Whatsapp Business to Duped his Victims if Care is not taking we might use Spiritual to fight this Fraudster if the bodies we tag on Twitter don't take necessary action to bring him to Justice...
Below is the picture he used on his WhatsApp with the Phone number he used in Calling: