How To Use Coconut Oil For A Bleached Hair


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Applied topically or ingested, there are literally
dozens of different benefits coconut oil provides. I
have been sleeping with coconut oil in my hair as a
pre poo treatment twice a week for over two years
now and it has left my hair soft, shiny and more

Coconut oil can help with hair bleaching!

As a girl who loves her long hair blonder than it
naturally is, but doesn’t like the damage that usually
comes along with it, I was all for learning about this
coconut oil bleaching method.

Coconut oil leaves bleached hair feeling super soft
and much more healthy looking. Using coconut oil
on bleached hair can help hair that feels crunch or
hay like feel significantly softer with consistent use
and even make the hair more manageable.

The science behind it says that coconut oil is a
natural chelating agent which chelates the damaging
iron and copper produced by the chemical reaction
which happens when you use peroxide on your hair.
How to use coconut oil for bleached hair

1. Coat all of your hair with melted coconut oil root
to tip, at night before bed.

2. Cover it with a towel or shower cap and go to

3. Bleach hair as usual the next day with oil still in
the hair.

What does it do?

The idea is the night of oil-soaking replicates the
buildup of natural oils in your hair and protects both
your scalp and the hair itself from damage causing
bleach. Some women have found that using oil helps
their bleach to process faster than it would without
it. Adding coconut oil to the bleaching process
maybe even help prevent the burning and itching
feeling that usually occurs with the process.

I am super excited to try this coconut oil method
before I go to the salon next time to get my hair
dyed. Anything that is natural and will help with
damage I am all for!

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